Authors’ Page

Have a Book to Publish?

If you already have a typescript and want us to take a look, we’re all eyes and ears. If we like your book and feel it’s a good fit for our series, we’ll be happy to get it all done for you: editing, formatting, layout, proofing, peer review, cover design, promotional material, eBook conversion, and the actual printing, plus market placement and distribution in the US, UK, continental Europe, Australia, Canada, and most of the world’s other major markets. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Consider Writing a Book?

We are always happy to welcome new authors in our ranks, be they established scholars with quite a list of publications who have had enough of the mainstream and would like to finally tell the truth, no matter what, or novices who want to get their feet wet for the first time, or anything in between. We’ve dealt with it all. We also have a long wish list of topics we’d like to have covered.

Note: Some of our authors use pseudonyms to protect themselves from persecution and prosecution. We are absolutely dedicated to keeping these pseudonyms secret. We even recommend that you use one, if you haven’t “outed” yourself yet as a revisionist and have anything to lose.


Author contracts are negotiated individually.

Interested? Please contact us using our contact page.