Groundbreaking Research Books on the Biggest Taboo of the Western World
This ambitious, growing series addresses various topics of the infamous “Holocaust” of the WWII era. Most of them are based on decades of archival research in archives all over the world. They are heavily footnoted and referenced. In contrast to most other works on this issue, the tomes of this series approach its topic with the necessary profound academic scrutiny and a critical attitude. Any Holocaust researcher ignoring this series will remain oblivious of the most important research results in the field.
A brief video introduction into our series Holocaust Handbooks.
These books are designed to have the power to both convince the common reader as well as academics in this field. And it is very successful with this approach: Ever since its inception, this prestigious series has gained the attention of many western historians and of several opinion leaders worldwide. The final goal is to eventually tip the academic scale, so that academia will start doing its duty: to demand and pursue public scrutiny of this most influential topic of all western societies. Because as long as academics don’t do this, the media and politicians certainly won’t do it either.
So far, the following 52 books have appeared in this series. There are more in various stages of preparation; see the drop-down list at the top of this page for all published volumes and those in preparation. To learn more about the published volumes, click on their respective links below. You can also download a free brochure describing the currently available volumes here. If you consider buying most or even all volumes of the series, consider this special offer: ARMREG Ltd offer the entire series (all volumes published so far) at a discount of some 30%. Click here to find out more details.
All Holocaust Handbooks in One Brief Glance:
SECTION ONE: General Overviews of the Holocaust
- The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure. A documentation of pre-WWII propaganda claiming 6 million Jews were on the brink of annihilation. 6th ed., 198 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#6)
- Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross Examined. An encyclopedic overview of revisionist research results, presented in a dialog style. 3rd ed., 596 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#15)
- Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth & Reality. British Intelligence intercepts and a wide array of mostly unchallenged evidence showing that “witness statements” supporting the gas-chamber narrative clash with the available scientific data. 6th ed., 285 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#31)
- Debating the Holocaust: A New Look at Both Sides. Juxtaposition of the traditional Holocaust narrative with revisionist challenges revealing the weaknesses of both sides. 4th ed., 342 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#32)
- The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. Evidence adduced to proof any Nazi mass slaughter has a dual interpretation, while only the innocuous one can be proven to be correct. 4th ed., 524 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#7)
- Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of ‘Truth’ and ‘Memory.’ State-of-the-art scientific technique and classic methods applied to investigate the claimed mass murder of Jews by Germans during WWII. 3rd ed., 635 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#1)
- The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition. Four reports by U.S. expert on execution technologies Fred Leuchter on whether the Third Reich operated homicidal gas chambers. 4th ed., 252 pp., ill. (#16)
- The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry. Exploration of Jewish population developments and shifts in Europe by emigration and deportations before, during and after WWII. 3rd ed., 264 pp., ill., bibl. (#29).
- Air-Photo Evidence: World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed. WWII air photos of Holocaust crime locations such as Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Babi Yar etc. analyzed. 6th ed., 167 pp., 8.5”×11”, ill., bibl., index. (#27).
- Bungled: “The Destruction of the European Jews”. Raul Hilberg’s Failure to Prove National-Socialist “Killing Centers.” The Holocaust orthodoxy’s “bible” exposed as a collection of lies, distortions and deceits. 302 pp., bibl., index. (#3)
- Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich. Jewish emigration was welcomed and supported by German wartime authorities. This booklet elucidates the emigration process. 2nd ed., 130 pp., index. (#12)
- Inside the Gas Chambers: The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography. Devastating analysis of a 2011 mainstream anthology claiming to refute revisionism. 2nd ed., 280 pp., ill., bibl. (#25)
SECTION TWO: Books on Specific Camps
- Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? Exposure of highly contradictory and often absurd claims by “witnesses” and mainstream scholars about this camp. Archeological surveys separate myth from truth. 3rd ed., 384 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#8)
- Bełżec: Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research and History. Another review of evidence for a claimed extermination camp, also with an analysis of archeological findings. 138 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#9)
- Sobibór: Holocaust Propaganda and Reality. Another exposure as for the last two above, also with a brief review of archeological findings. 2nd ed., 456 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#19)
- The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Bełżec, Sobibór, Treblinka. A comprehensive update of the three books above, with new results from archival and forensic research. 402 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#28)
- Chełmno: A Camp in History & Propaganda. Evidence for this alleged extermination camp critically reviewed. 2nd ed., 188 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#23)
- The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation. Critical review of evidence for the claim that the Nazis used gas vans to exterminate 700,000 people. 2nd ed., 412 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#26)
- The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories: Genesis, Responsibilities and Activities. Critical review of evidence for the claim that the German Einsatzgruppen mass-murdered Jews in Russia during WWII. 2nd ed., 2 vols., 866 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#39)
- Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study. Dissection of primary sources on mass-murder claims about this German wartime camp. 3rd ed., 358 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#5)
- Concentration Camp Stutthof: Its Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy. Dissection of primary sources on mass-murder claims about yet another wartime camp. 4th ed., 170 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#4)
- The Dachau Gas Chamber. The truth about this mysterious room finally gets properly scrutinized and revealed. 154 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#49)
- The Neuengamme and Sachsenhausen Gas Chambers. British interrogation techniques are revealed as manipulative, threatening and mendacious. 2nd ed., 236 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#50)
SECTION THREE: Auschwitz Studies
- The Making of the Auschwitz Myth. Messages written by the Polish underground, SS radio messages intercepted by the British, and witness statements made during and right after the war show how the myth of mass murder in Auschwitz was created. 514 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#41)
- The Real Case of Auschwitz. Devastating book-length refutation of the mainstream’s most prolific Auschwitz “expert” Prof. J. van Pelt. 3rd ed., 692 pp., ill., glossary, bibl., index. (#22)
- Auschwitz: Plain Facts. A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac. Book-length refutation of Pressac’s attempt to refute revisionist findings. 2nd ed., 226 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#14)
- Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. An Introduction and Update. Update and correction to Pressac’s 1989 oversize book of the same title, which serves as a reference book. 144 pp., ill., bibl. (#42)
- The Chemistry of Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers. Forensic study on the claimed use of Zyklon B for mass murder at Auschwitz. 4th ed., 454 pp., bibl., index. (#2)
- Auschwitz Lies: Legends, Lies and Prejudices on the Holocaust. Refutation of a number of mainstream scholars’ attempts to refute revisionist findings on the Holocaust. 4th ed., 420 pp., ill., index. (#18)
- The Central Construction Office of Auschwitz. History, organization, tasks and procedures of the office that would have been in charge of building “the gas chambers,” if… 2nd ed., 188 pp., ill., index, glossary. (#13)
- Garrison and Headquarters Orders of the Auschwitz Camp. Orders issued by the Auschwitz Camp’s authorities lack any trace of anything sinister, quite to the contrary. 185 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#34)
- Special Treatment in Auschwitz. When appearing in German wartime documents, terms such as “special treatment” and “special action” have been interpreted as code words for mass murder. The author proves this is not true. 2nd ed., 166 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#10)
- Healthcare at Auschwitz. This study shows the extent to which the German authorities at Auschwitz tried to provide appropriate health care for the inmates. It also explores what happened to inmates subjected to “special treatment.” 398 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#33)
- Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz: Black Propaganda vs. History. Some 250,000 Jews are said to have been killed at Auschwitz in two former farm houses converted into gas chambers. This study proves that these “bunkers” never existed, and how war propaganda was transformed into a “reality.” 2nd ed., 292 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#11)
- Auschwitz: The First Gassing. Rumor and Reality. The first gassing at Auschwitz allegedly occurred on Sept. 3, 1941. This study shows that the sources contradict each other in every respect. Original wartime documents inflict a final blow. 3rd ed., 190 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#20)
- Auschwitz: Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings. The morgue of Crematorium I in Auschwitz allegedly was the camp’s first gas chamber, but this study proves that it neither was, nor could have worked as such. 2nd ed., 152 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#21)
- Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations. Hundred thousands of corpses of murder victims were presumably incinerated in pits at Auschwitz. Air photos, physical evidence and wartime documents show that these claims are fiction. 2nd ed., 202 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#17)
- The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. An exhaustive study of the history and technology of cremation, and of the Auschwitz cremation furnaces, which are shown to have been innocuous devices. 3 vols., 2nd ed., 1201 pp., b&w and color ill. (vols. 2 & 3), bibl., index, gloss. (#24)
- Curated Lies. The Auschwitz Museum, a mendacious organization, lies to millions of tourists and to scholars about the true nature of the Auschwitz Camp. Here is the proof. 2nd ed., 259 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#38)
- Deliveries of Coke, Wood, Zyklon B to Auschwitz. They refute that any mass murder could have been committed at Auschwitz. 184 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#40)
- Mis-Chronicling Auschwitz: D. Czech’s Flawed Methods, Lies and Deceptions in Her “Auschwitz Chronicle”. D. Czech’s Auschwitz Chronicle, an orthodox standard reference book on Auschwitz, is exposed as a mega-fraud. 326 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#47)
- The Real Auschwitz Chronicle. A day-to-day chronology of camp events based on documents, not tales, and a thorough analysis of numerical data: transports to Auschwitz, camp occupation, mortality, and transfers to other camps. 2 vols., 906 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#48)
- Politics of Slave Labor. Detailed documentation of the fate of hundreds of thousands of Jews deported from Hungary and the Lodz Ghetto to Auschwitz in spring/summer 1944. 338 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#51)
SECTION FOUR: Witness Critique
- Elie Wiesel, Saint of the Holocaust: A Critical Biography. This biography of Wiesel exposes his many personal deceits. It shows how Zionist control has allowed Wiesel to force world leaders to genuflect before him as symbolic acts of subordination to World Jewry. 3rd ed., 458 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#30)
- Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrator Confessions. The traditional narrative about Auschwitz rests almost exclusively on witness stories. This study scrutinizes the 30 most important of these statements. 372 pages, ill., bibl., index. (#36)
- Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. Höss, the former Auschwitz commandant, was captured by the British after the war. This study reveals how the British tortured him to extract various “confessions.” Höss’s depositions are thoroughly analyzed. 402 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#35)
- An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account. The influential postwar tales of Miklos Nyiszli, a Hungarian Auschwitz inmate, are exposed as a collection of inventions and lies. 484 pp, ill., bibl., index. (#37)
- Rudolf Reder versus Kurt Gerstein: Two False Testimonies on the Bełżec Camp Analyzed. Only two witnesses testified substantially about Belzec: Rudolf Reder and Kurt Gerstein. Both accounts are presented, thoroughly analyzed and exposed as a collection of absurd lies. 216 pp, ill., bibl., index. (#43)
- Sonderkommando Auschwitz I. Scrutiny of mendacious testimonies by self-proclaimed Sonderkommando members Fillip Müller, D. Paisikovic, S. Jankowski, H. Mandelbaum, L. Nagraba, J. Rosenblum, A. Pilo, D. Fliamenbaum and S. Karolinskij. 304 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#44)
- Sonderkommando Auschwitz II. Scrutiny of mendacious testimonies by self-proclaimed Sonderkommando members Henryk Tauber and Szlama Dragon. 254 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#45)
- Sonderkommando Auschwitz III. Scrutiny of late witness testimonies by self-proclaimed Sonderkommando members such as J. Sackar, A. Dragon, J. Gabai, S. Chasan, L. Cohen and S. Venezia, among others. 230 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#46)
- Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow. Analysis of Soviet postwar interrogations of the Auschwitz cremation-furnace engineers, documenting propaganda at work. 254 pp., ill., bibl., index. (#52)
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