Search Results for: 44

Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations

Due to a restricted capacity of the Auschwitz crematoria, hundreds of thousands of corpses of murdered victims are said to have been incinerated in fires in deep trenches. This study investigates all the documentary, physical, and anecdotal evidence. Carlo Mattogno shows that the stories about these open-air incinerations, although based on a kernel of truth, are vastly exaggerated, and their homicidal background is untrue…

Concentration Camp Stutthof

According to communist literature, the Stutthof camp was a “makeshift” extermination camp within the framework of the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” in 1944. Jürgen Graf and Carlo Mattogno have examined this view of Stutthof. Not only do the authors prove that the Stutthof camp did not serve as a ‘makeshift’ extermination camp…

Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz

The so-called “Bunkers” at Auschwitz are claimed to have been the first homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz specifically erected for this purpose in early 1942. With help of the files of the Auschwitz construction office, this study shows that these “Bunkers” never existed, how the rumors of these alleged gas chambers evolved as black propaganda created by resistance groups within the camp, and how this propaganda was transformed into ‘reality’ by historians.

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