Search Results for: 44


Groundbreaking Documentaries on the Biggest Taboo of the Western World In 1992, Jewish filmmaker David Cole went to Auschwitz to make a documentary, in which he exposed the lies, distortions and outright falsifications committed by the local Polish Museum. His movie made him famous—or infamous, some contend. With this courageous young Jewish man’s deed, critical…

About Us

Both the series Holocaust Handbooks and the series Holocaust Documentaries are registered with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1529-7748 and 2059-3872, respectively. The series Holocaust Handbooks was launched in 2000, and the Documentaries series in 2015, although the latter went dormant when YouTube banned us from that platform. The purpose of both series is…


Groundbreaking Research Books on the Biggest Taboo of the Western World This ambitious, growing series addresses various topics of the infamous “Holocaust” of the WWII era. Most of them are based on decades of archival research in archives all over the world. They are heavily footnoted and referenced. In contrast to most other works on…

The Real Auschwitz Chronicle

Nagging is easy. We actually did a better job! That which is missing in Czech’s Chronicle is included here: day after day of the camp’s history, documents are presented showing that it could not have been an extermination camp: tens of thousands of sick and injured inmates were cared for medically with huge efforts, and the camp authorities tried hard to improve the initially catastrophic hygienic conditions. Part Two contains data on transports, camp occupancy and mortality figures. For the first time, we find out what this camps’ real death toll was.

Politics of Slave Labor

The deportation of the Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in May-July 1944 is said to have been the pinnacle of this camp’s extermination frenzy, topped off in August of that year by the extermination of Jews deported from the Lodz Ghetto. This book gathers and explains all the evidence available on both events. In painstaking research, the author proves almost on a person-by-person level what the fate was of many of the Jews deported from Hungary or the Lodz Ghetto. He demonstrates that these Jews were deported to serve as slave laborers in the Third Reich’s collapsing war economy. There is no trace of any extermination of any of these Jews.

The Dachau Gas Chamber

This study investigates whether the alleged homicidal gas chamber at the infamous Dachau Camp could have been operational. Could these gas chambers have fulfilled their alleged function to kill people as assumed by mainstream historians? Or does the evidence point to an entirely different purpose? This study reviews witness reports and finds that many claims are nonsense or technically impossible. As many layers of confounding misunderstandings and misrepresentations are peeled away, we discover the core of what the truth was concerning the existence of these gas chambers.

The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories

Before invading the Soviet Union, the German authorities set up special units meant to secure the area behind the German front. Orthodox historians claim that these unites called Einsatzgruppen primarily engaged in rounding up and mass-murdering Jews. This study sheds a critical light into this topic by reviewing all the pertinent sources as well as material traces. It reveals on the one hand that original war-time documents do not fully support the orthodox genocidal narrative, and on the other that most post-“liberation” sources such as testimonies and forensic reports are steeped in Soviet atrocity propaganda and thus utterly unreliable. In addition, material traces of the claimed massacres are rare due to an attitude of collusion by governments and Jewish lobby groups.

An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account

Nyiszli, a Hungarian physician, ended up at Auschwitz in 1944 as Dr. Mengele’s assistant. After the war he wrote a book and several other writings describing what he claimed to have experienced. To this day some traditional historians take his accounts seriously, while others reject them as grotesque lies and exaggerations. This study presents and analyzes Nyiszli’s writings and skillfully separates truth from fabulous fabrication.

Air-Photo Evidence

During WW2 German and Allied aircraft took countless air photos, which today are evidence when investigating the Holocaust. Photos of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Babij Yar etc. permit an insight into what happened there. This book is full of air photo reproductions and schematic drawings explaining them. These images refute many of the atrocity claims made by witnesses in connection with events in the German sphere of influence. 6th, corrected edition.

The Leuchter Reports

Between 1988 and 1991, American expert on execution technologies Fred Leuchter wrote four expert reports addressing the question whether or not the Third Reich operated homicidal gas chambers. The first report on Auschwitz and Majdanek became world famous. This edition republishes all four reports, and accompanies the first one with critical notes and research updates. (5th edition, 2017)

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